Children's Ministry
Vacation Bible SchoolUsually during June, Flushing Presbyterian hosts Vacation Bible School. Each summer the church takes on a new appearance to reflect the theme. In the past, our church has become Main Street, a Rain Forest, a Tropical Island and even Hero Headquarters
Bible school is open to all youth for a small fee. For those young at heart, but too old to enroll in Vacation Bible School, there are several volunteers needed. 2013 VBSVacation Bible School will be June 17-21. This year's theme is "God's Backyard". For more information, or to register visit
Pioneer Kids Club
Pioneer Kids - Our new Children's After-School Program for K-7th graders starts Wednesday, September 11th!
Pioneer Kids offers a proven midweek kid's ministry program that is Bible -based, Christ-centered, relationship-focused and fun for kids and volunteers. There is no charge for this program. Vest and patch rewards will be given as the children learn about Jesus, being Christian and working with others. Registration forms are available in the narthex. Sign-up sheets for providing snacks are posted on the bulletin board outside of the kitchen and a display of supplies needed is located in the narthex. Your help is needed and much appreciated!!
Pioneer Kids offers a proven midweek kid's ministry program that is Bible -based, Christ-centered, relationship-focused and fun for kids and volunteers. There is no charge for this program. Vest and patch rewards will be given as the children learn about Jesus, being Christian and working with others. Registration forms are available in the narthex. Sign-up sheets for providing snacks are posted on the bulletin board outside of the kitchen and a display of supplies needed is located in the narthex. Your help is needed and much appreciated!!