Seasonal Mission Projects
School Supply Collection
Each summer our congregation takes up collection of school supplies and backpacks for the Flushing students and will be doing snack handouts.
The Warmth TreeHats, mittens, scarfs, even socks decorate the warmth tree each year. During October and November, everyone is encouraged to bring in handmade, or store purchased items to help those in need cope with the cold winter temperatures. Items for small children through adults are welcomed.
The Angel Tree

In November, the Warmth Tree is quickly replaced with our Angel Tree. The Angel tree is decorated with several angels. Each angel includes the Christmas wish, as well as clothing sizes for that child. Everyone is encouraged to select an Angel and provide what they can to help make the child's Christmas wish come true. Those that decide to participate purchase, wrap and return the gift to the church. In early December the Narthex is full with many gifts to help spread Christmas cheer to those less fortunate.
Thanksgiving Meals to the Community
In partnership with the Flushing Christian Outreach Center, and several other local churches, Flushing Presbyterian Church helps contribute to Thanksgiving boxes for local families that are in need. Usually Flushing Presbyterian has the responsibility of providing vegetables. Over 600 cans of vegetables seems like a lot. However, with everyone contributing we have no problem meeting that goal.
Learn more about our Thanksgiving projects and see pictures of the the Thanksgiving Box assembly on our Thanksgiving Project Page. |
Souper Bowl of Caring
On Super Bowl Sunday, members make soup for serving immediately after the worship service. Donations are placed in a large soup kettle and the proceeds are given to Flushing Christian Outreach Center for their food program.